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Mission Statement
To produce responsible members of the scientific community who can use the inquiry process to understand and solve problems.
1. SWBAT independently answer their scientific questions through research and experiments. 
2. SWBAT critically evaluate experiments done by others in order to determine their validity. 
Year-long Transfer Goals
Science websites


Learn more about science topics YOU'RE interested in!


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Links to sign up for Newsela:

<-- Check out PBS Kids, Parents, and Videos for fun and useful information!

   Use or create your own          flashcards to study!

<--Practice vocabulary using      fun games created by the      website!

Find fiction and non-fiction articles on your grade level. This is useful for science fair and research projects!

Extra Credit

Everyone needs:


1. a binder

2. tabs

3. pencils/pens

4. Paper


Every day you need at least 3 sharpened pencils, or 3 working pens!


Preparation, especially binder organization, is a large part of your grade!

1) Find examples of energy resources outside of school and bring in evidence. See the extra credit tab for more info.


2) Write a procedure for anything you're interested. Ask Ms. Child for the worksheets if you're interested.


3) Conduct an experiment on your own and bring evidence, such as photos or videos


Test Tools

There is now a new sub-page (under the Home page) that contains helpful tools for the science Measure of Student Learning (end of year test). Please use them to help you practice!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Science gives man knowledge, which is power."
Anne Frank
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
Barack Obama
“The highest purpose of science is the search for knowledge, truth and a greater understanding of the world around us.” 
“Truth isn't about who yells the loudest, but who has the right information.” 

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